75 hard challenge

  1. 2-45 min workouts a day(usually 1 is basic cardio based the other is weight training or more intense activity.
  2. Follow a proper diet plan
  3. No Alcohol
  4. Read 10 pages a day
  5. Drinking a gallon of water.
  • Follow these guidelines for 75 days straight
  • Contact me for proper training and diet advice

75+ hard challenge(bluecollariron) edition

  1. 5 am wake up
  2. Ice bath
  3. At least 2-45 min training sessions a day
    (Can be cardio, calisthenics, weight training, martial art, etc)
  4.  Follow proper diet
  5. Read 15 pages a day
  6. Drinking at least 1 gallon of water
  7. Spend 1 hour a day working on a new skill or hobby.
  8. Go to sleep early
  • Follow these guidelines for 75 days straight
  • Contact me for proper training and diet advice
  • This is recommended after you have at least completed the 75 hard challenge at least once